February 11, 2009

The most influential photographers to me are...

Eva Fuka

" I love Surrealism. I really do. I like the absurd view and Surrealism is most close to it –to combine things which don’t really go together but yet somehow do anyway because that is the way life is – absolutely absurd"

David Muench

Frank Grisdale-His work is amazing. He is Monet with a camera. I dont know what else to say he is brillant. He is a landscape photographer that works in the impressionist style. He is directly influenced as you can tell my that art movement and also by abstract art. He reduces the subjects or the landscapes down to there purest forms.

"Rather than deliver to the viewer all of the fine detail common in traditional landscape photography, I am choosing to reduce the detail in favour of colour, light and line. My images reference, in a modern way, the work of early impressionist painters.” Frank Grisdale

Martine Franck - Martine Franck – is a noted perfectionist who is said to never alter her negatives, and always on the look out for the perfect shot. Constantly alert, and armed, her work has a simplistic way of reflecting everyday life. It is admirable to me that she was constantly in an artistic state searching for the perfect moment. We share a love for art history and you can see the influences that it had on her work she understood that photography was not just about aesthetics.

A photograph isn't necessarily a lie, but nor is it the truth. It's more of a fleeting, subjective impression. What I most like about photography is the moment that you can't anticipate: you have to be constantly watching for it, ready to welcome the unexpected."

Eva Arnold
Eve Arnold – She has vulnerability as an artist that is unlike anything else. She has deep concern for her subjects, and has an enept ability to identify with her subjects. To me she is really able to get inside peoples heads.

“If a photographer cares about the people before the lens and is compassionate, much is given. It is the photographer, not the camera that is the instrument." Eve Arnold

Yousuf Karsh- is know for his portrait of important figures of the twentieth century. I love his ability to really capture the person physiognomy. You can get a glimpse of this person’s mind through his portraits. His work is very cerebral, and that is something that I really respond to. "There is a brief moment when all there is in a man's mind and soul and spirit is reflected through his eyes, his hands, his attitude. This is the moment to record." Yoursuf Karsh

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