February 11, 2011


78. 78 Cast Plastic Lipsticks . Painted.

Every hour 78 rapes occur. That is 1 every 2.5 minutes. The pile refrences discarding of objects in no paticular pattern. Objects are tossled together in a random assortment. The colors choice is intreseting. I wanted colors that worked together but at the same time came from a variety of places and hinted at very different meanings. The purple was a more mature color and I felt like it was really sophisticated, whereas the light green is more androgenous. Finnally the pink is more playful and has a childlike naivie quality. The intersing thing about cast lipsticks is that they are not lipsticks. Instead they serve as more of a shell of what was a lipstick. There is this dissacosiation that occurs between a real lipstick and the this object that is in the exact shape and scale of a lipstick. However, these objects here no longer share the purpose of a lipstick.